Rufus and Rogue (Rogue is our upstairs neighbors' dog, and we share her, and Rufus loves her)

A slightly staged picture since I wasn't actually asleep of Rufus learning how to cuddle (and no, I'm not sucking my thumb)

Meeting the kitty next door #1
Meeting the kitty next door #2

Rufus has really taken a liking to Schlafly since Robert started working there.

We've talked about how obnoxious he is when we have a bottle of beer out, but for those of you who have not seen this in real life, we took a video last week. He never drools otherwise, but if you look closely, you can see him drooling over the almost-empty bottle. (Important disclaimer in case you think we are being irresponsible dog owners: we only give him a couple drops at the end of the bottle, and this is not something we do frequently - and, most importantly, he LOVES it) We've thought about not giving him any more tastes of beer - but it's just too funny. It must be something about the bottle because when we have IBC root beer, he acts the same way.
Too funny. Thanks for posting the antics of our grand-dog!
ReplyDeleteoh man...i met a kitty de over day...but it was kinda stressful for me...those things have cwaws!!
ReplyDeleteaww...rufus nummys...your so cute! i love the pic of you sleeping on your mom...you need to come see belle cause she misses you and wants to see her bestie. love you rufus<3 =)